The Shetland Sheepdog Club of W.A. was formed in 1988. A full committee was voted in consisting of a combination of Sheltie breeders and breeders who were also involved in breeding Rough Collies and Shelties.
The Club held various fundraising events since its formation and with the funds raised the Club was successful in financing the appointment of our first judge Mr Alan Jefferies (prefix "Jefsfire") from the
Trophies for the Championship Show were very generously donated by breeders from W.A. / N.S.W. /Vic. & N.T..
Each year around July/August our Championship Show is held. A judge is contracted approximately 12 months prior to this show. The judges for previous shows have come from U.K. & N.Z. and all over
There are many areas of the Club other than conformation classes, commonly known as "the dog show", that the Club can offer to its members. Go the up coming events page to keep up to date with fundraising events and club functions.
58 Sunshine Place
Nambeelup WA 6207 Rescue Phone : 95819005
199833 Visitors